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  • Module 9: Drafting and Revising

    As much as writing is about producing an essay for us, it is just as important a question of process--how do we produce successive drafts and how do you improve on the first draft, revising it into the last? This chapter will explain some strategies for drafting and getting words on the page or screen. Revision comes next, as those drafts have to be reimagined, changed, and reorganized often to produce a good, final draft. Revision is literally about seeing again, and it's important to remember this isn't proofing or editing necessarily. 

    Image: NYC, 40 Bond, Gate, Draft Design by Detlef Schoberg, courtesy of Flickr. CC-BY-ND. 2.0.

    Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

    1. Define drafting and revision
    2. Develop strategies for drafting and revision

    To achieve these objectives: 

    1. Read the Module 9 Introduction. 
    2. Read and view the materials in chapter 3 on Drafting and Revision in Writing Rhetorically.
    3. Complete the TWO Your Turn activities in chapter 3. 
    4. Using the draft you produced in the first Your Turn activity for chapter 3, practice making a reverse outline and then, separately, read your essay aloud to a peer. Include the reverse outline in the document file with your rough draft.

    For additional feedback on your draft, make an appointment with a writing center or tutor, if possible.