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  • Module 7: Beyond Structure, Adding the Speaker to the Speech

    Person in silhouette speaking

    While the contents of the speech are important, and having a clear structure is essential to create a meaningful message that the audience can understand, the speaker is also very important to the speech.  How the speaker delivers the speech, the excitement in their voice, or their gestures that direct the audience to a key piece of information all matter as well.  Choosing the topic and the message is only half of the creation process, the other half is ensuring that as speakers, we are adding to the speech and helping the audience engage in the presentation

    Photo by Alberto Bigoni on Unspash (opens in new window)

    Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

    1. Manage fear and reduce anxiety during presentation. 
    2. Establish confidence in delivering public presentations.
    3. Use physical techniques to manage fear and reduce anxiety.
    4. Use mental techniques to manage fear and reduce anxiety.
    5. Employ rehearsal strategies.

    To achieve these objectives: 

    1. Read the Module 7 Introduction 
    2. Read Chapters 9, 11, and 12 in It’s About Them: Public Speaking in the 21st Century (opens in new window)
    3. Review PowerPoints
    4. Complete Module 7 Discussion Forum
    5. Complete Informative Speech Assignment

    Module Pressbooks Resources and Activities

    You will find the following resources and activities in this module at the Pressbooks website. Click on the links below to access or complete each item.